The Man Who was Struck With Two Atomic Bombs and Lived

Tsutomu Yamaguchi can easily be regarded as both one of the luckiest and unluckiest people to ever live. He had been in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when they were both struck with an atomic bomb. Miraculously, he had survived these horrific events. In June of 1945, Yamaguchi was sent on a business trip to the city of Hiroshima. August 6th was supposed to be his last day on the business trip and unfortunately, it was the same day Little Boy detonated in Hiroshima. As Yamaguchi saw a flash in the distance, he quickly jumped into a ditch for cover. The shock wave sent him into the air and onto a potato patch where he passed out. He had been badly burned and both of his eardrums were ruptured, but he was still mostly fine. After finding a couple of his coworkers who had also somehow survived, Yamaguchi had caught the next day’s train to Nagasaki. On the morning of August 9th, Yamaguchi went to his office job in Nagasaki while still recovering from his previous injuries. While at work, another flash occurred and a shockwave sent debris and glass across the room. Luckily, he was still relatively unhurt despite having been within 2 miles of the sight of detonation. Now although Yamaguchi survived the initial blast of a nuclear warhead twice, he still had to deal with the long-term effects of radiation. Over time, his hair fell out, he fell ill, and his wounds worsened. Despite this, he still recovered almost completely and went on to live until the age of 93. 



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