Quick Facts

Quick Facts 6:

In 1911, Vincenzo Peruggia stole the Mona Lisa from the Louvre in Paris.

Quick Fact 5:

Skittles were first invented in 1974 by the British Company Wrigley.

Quick Fact 4:

Even though the neck of a giraffe can be 8 feet long, giraffes and Humans both only have 7 neck vertebrae.

Quick Fact 3: 

The first person to ever summit Mt. Everest was New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary who, with the help of  Tibetan mountaineer Tenzing Norgay, arrived at the peak of the mountain in May of 1953.

Quick Fact 2: 

A blue whale's heartbeat can be heard from an astounding 2 miles away. This is partly due to their heart’s enormous size, weighing a grand total of 180 kilograms or around 400 pounds. 

Quick Fact 1: 

The Eiffel Tower is taller in the Summer than in the Winter. This is because the higher temperatures increases the volume of the tower, making it a couple millimeters taller. 

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