The Pyramid Coordinates Mean Nothing

    One of the most popular conspiracy theories of the modern era is that aliens built the Pyramids of Giza. The evidence these conspiracists bring up is that the coordinates of the Great Pyramid are the exact same as the value of the speed of light. The coordinates of the pyramid of Giza have the line 29.9792458°N, and the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s. This, according to conspiracists, is definite proof that aliens must have interfered. However, this idea is riddled with a multitude of flaws. 

Firstly, this would imply that the Aliens who built the pyramids used the metric system and measured speed in meters per second just as humans do. Additionally, these coordinates are misleading, as 29.9792458°N is so precise that 20,000 other lines of latitude measured to the 7th decimal place pass through the Great Pyramid. In fact, the one closest to the tip of the pyramid is around 29.9791750°N but this latitude, of course, is not the one conspiracists use as it does not align with their theory. Going even beyond all of this is the fact that the latitude 29.9792458°N isn’t even that special since it passes through a multitude of locations. Houston Texas has this same latitude, and I doubt that it was built by aliens. 

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