Absurd North Korean Lies

    It’s no secret that North Korea is not a very ethical nation. The country’s citizens live without basic human rights and are brainwashed into cooperating with the dictatorship’s policies and ideas. Some of these ideas, however, are so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could accept them as true even knowing the harsh penalties given to those who oppose the state. So without further ado, here are some of the most ridiculous lies that North Korea tells its citizens. 

  1. Kim Jong-Il claimed that he invented hamburgers. Yeah, you read that correctly.

  2. Kim Jong-Il’s official biography states he was born on a divine mountain where a new star appeared after his birth. Official records from the Soviets, however, show that he was born in a Siberian village.

  3. Kim Jong-Un claims that he could walk and talk at just a few weeks old. Additionally, he claims that he learned to drive at the age of three. What an exceptional child.

  4. The Kim family keeps the fact that people have landed on the moon a secret. They want their people to know that it will be North Korea that launches the world into new levels of space exploration. It’s hard to believe they could keep something so monumental a secret but with the control they have over the media, any lie is possible. 

  5. An entire town with no inhabitants was built near the North Korean and South Korean border. North Korea claims their town has an abundance of happy families living their everyday lives. However, those who have seen the city know that it’s really just an area used for military exercises. 

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