North Sentinel Island

        In the center of the Bay of Bengal lies an island that had received little to no contact with the outside world for many years. On that island resides one of the only uncontacted human groups still left in the world. They are called the Sentinalese people, and they live on North Sentinel Island. A census of the island was remotely conducted and it is estimated that roughly 80-150 people reside on the island, but the numbers can be as low as 15 and as high as 500. Over many years, some members of the outside world have stumbled upon the island and its residents. In the late 1800s, roughly 100 passengers and crew members swam to the island after their boat had been damaged. Three days later, the Sentinalese people attacked their new visitors with bows and arrows. The group managed to hold them back until a navy vessel rescued them. A few more instances similar to the one just mentioned had occurred over the years. The most recent of which was in 2018, when a man named John Allen Chau stepped onto the island. The people had chased him away twice but the third time they saw him, they killed him. 


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