Facts That Will Mess With Your Perception of Time

  Here are some random facts that will make you rethink how you see the world itself so without further ado, let us begin. 

  1. JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. Just a day later, the first episode of Dr. Who premiered. 

  2. The Wizard of Oz premiered in the same year that Nazi Germany invaded Poland. 

  3. The Fax machine was invented in the same week that the first Oregon Trail travelers set off on their journey. 

  4. Oxford University is almost 400 years older than the Aztec Empire.

  5. The first dinosaur fossil was found in 1824, while George Washington died in 1799. This means that George Washington did not know that dinosaurs existed. 

  6. Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. were born in the same year. 

  7. Auschwitz started taking in prisoners in the same week that Mcdonald's first opened. 

  8. Germany was Unified only a year after Yellowstone National Park was created. 

  9. Samurai still existed while Abraham Lincoln was alive, as the samurai were abolished in 1867. 

  10.  The Romans were closer to the construction of the Great Pyramids than we are to the Romans. 




The winner from last week's post: The winner was Son Gohan with the correct answer of “Australia”. Some other guesses were Russia and The Bahamas, which are incredibly far from Australia, showing just how difficult this was. Congratulations once again Mr. Gohan. 

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