Which Empire Owned The Largest Percentage of the World?

        Throughout history, control shifted between global powers readily. Since the dawn of time, there was never a single empire that always dominated the global sphere, rather each empire had its moments in which they were the ones to reign supreme. However, the extent of each empire's dominance varied greatly in comparison to one another. Some powers had control over a small portion of land, while others had an influence that spanned across the entire world. The largest empires in history essentially boil down to the main 3, the Russian Empire, The Mongol Empire, and the British Empire. The Russian Empire was at its peak in 1895, spanning across all of modern-day Russia while also containing many Eastern European and Central Asian nations. It was massive, holding a total of around 9 million square miles (close to 17% of the earth's landmass). Despite this, it was only the third-largest empire. Second is the Mongol Empire, which dominated the globe from the late 13th century into the early 14th century. The empire spanned part of modern-day Russia, Central Asia, the Middle East, and all of China. That being said, it was only slightly larger than the Russian empire, covering 18% of the Earth’s landmass. In first place, of course, is the British Empire. The British Empire is slightly different from the other two as instead of spanning across one giant mass of land, the British Empire had territory all over the world. Large Territories like Canada, Australia, and India coupled with all of the smaller territories scattered across the rest of the world gave the British control over 26% of the globe in 1920. 

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_empires https://www.businessinsider.com/the-10-greatest-empires-in-history-2011-9#2-the-mongol-empire-was-the-largest-contiguous-empire-the-world-has-ever-seen-9


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