Where is This Place?

        This week is a little different from the usual ones. Instead of some interesting information, I have with me a challenge for anyone interested. The image shown is from a random country, and you need to submit your guess as to which country you think it is from. I’ll shout out the first person to accurately guess the country in next week's post. The image below depicts google maps footage of the random country. It won’t be too easy trying to guess where this is from, as most of the image is just water. Some details may help you decipher the location such as the sky, the water, the sand, or the greenery present on the left side of the picture. Take your guess and I’ll confirm the answer next week. Here's the link to submit your answer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScadcifRTgCwZThp7yMQEVCtie0me1aU3cFu6PlSRhBmNMKyw/viewform?usp=sf_link

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