The Secret Gadgets of the KGB

The infamous KGB was the Soviet intelligence agency known for discreetly silencing any who opposed the Soviet Union's agenda. What many may not know is the details behind the gadgets the agency used to detect, and ultimately kill, any dissidents. The most common KGB utility came in the form of cleverly crafted hidden cameras. Normal accessories such as rings, belts, umbrellas, and buttons all had hidden cameras installed within them. While secret spy cameras were the most common tool used by the KGB, they also had access to various other gadgets. Secret weapons were implemented into the KGB arsenal in the form of pistols hidden in the side of a glove, functioning guns encased in a tube of lipstick, and umbrellas that could shoot poison darts. Another stand-out piece of equipment is the Soviet heart finder. The device could detect the movements and vibrations of the heart beating and a person breathing, allowing the KGB to know if a person was hiding in a certain location. It was commonly used at the border to detect unauthorized personnel hiding in vehicles. However, the most impressive tool is the Soviet passive bug, which was implanted into the U.S. Great Seal by the KGB. It took America 7 years to realize that the Russians were listening in the entire time.  


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