What If America combined with Canada?

        Let’s imagine that in a hypothetical world, America and Canada merged to form the newest country on Earth. Firstly, it would need a new name: Camerida. Now just by the initial merging, Camerida would have the highest GDP in the world with roughly 26 trillion dollars. America already had the highest, so the merging of the two nations would just raise it even more. Camerida would also be the largest country in the world with a combined area of roughly 19,000,000 km squared. Russia would be a close second with 17,000,000 km squared. On the surface, it seems that the merging would be great for the two nations. They already speak the same language, have similar geographies, and share the same allies. However, the laws and systems of both countries are vastly different in some aspects, which would create some conflict. For example, health insurance and gun laws are close to complete opposites in both countries and former Canadians would not be so happy to embrace those new conditions. The conflict of who would lead the country is also apparent. There can only be one leader and the system for electing that one leader is different between the two countries. Although it is an interesting idea, Camerida would be too riddled with flaws to work in the real world. 


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