Pangea Ultima

        Many years ago, the 7 continents were all connected by land, which formed the supercontinent Pangea. Research shows that in another 250 million years, yet another supercontinent will form. Scientists are calling this new supercontinent Pangea Ultima. Over these 250 million years, Australia will begin to move North, eventually colliding with some of the East Asian countries. Africa will also move North and collide with Southern Europe. The Americas will begin to drift towards the center of Earth as Alaska separates from Siberia. This eventual shift in the locations of continents will have drastic effects on their climates as well. Antarctica will lose a lot of its icy elements and North African regions will attain frigid temperatures. Many animal species will die off due to the change in climate and other new species may arise. Additionally, the collisions between continents will create new mountain regions as tectonic plates crash into each other. Humans may not be around during this time but if they are, it would be interesting to think about what life would be like in this interconnected world. 


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